Radio Frequency and Microwave Electronics


Programme of Lectures

Programme of Recitations

Programme of Laboratories

Related Links

Administrative Matters


School of Science, Engineering and Technology

Electrical Engineering
RF and Microwave Electronics

Lecture: TBD Room: TBD
Recitation: TBD, Room: TBD
Laboratory: Simulation Laboratory for Electromagnetics and Applications, Room: TBD


Instructor: Prof.  B. Panoutsopoulos
Office: Room: 
Office Hours: 
Electronic mail: 

Personal web site: 



Catalog Course Description:




Administrative matters

Purpose of the course:

The course has a triple orientation shaping the sophistication on these topics  and helping the overall maturity.

 a) Point out the underlining mathematical principles of Communication Theory and potential applications.
 b) Give experience in solving problems using specific mathematical methods.
 c) Emphasize the sequence: Underlining Physical Principle - Mathematical Model of a Real Situation Case - Mathematical Method.


The final grade (F.G.) is determined from the following:
 a) Two examinations (E1, E2) during the semester will be given , each one counting 20% of the final grade.
 b) Homework problems (HW) will be assigned for each topic, counting 20% of the final grade.
 c) A final examination (FE) will be given, counting 30% of the final grade.

 d) Attendance and Participation (AP), counting 5% of the final grade.

 e) Report on an application  (RP), counting 5% of the final grade.

The total number of points will result in the following letter grade:

 F.G. = E1 + E2  + HW + FE + AP + RP


 96-100 -> A

 91-95 -> A
 87-90 -> B+
 84-86 -> B

 81-83 -> B-
 76-80 -> C+
 71-75 -> C
 61-70 -> D
 00-60 -> F


Homework: A typical homework will have multi-parts, multiple-choice, short answer questions, analysis, synthesis, study, etc. No late homework will be accepted.
Examination: A typical examination will have four parts for a time period of 50 minutes. No make up examination will be given.

Academic Integrity:

Academic Integrity Policy